Monday, August 16, 2010


When getting ready to move I finally got around to transferring all my recipes that were on loose paper onto recipe cards to keep in here. Yesterday after a few weeks of chocolate zucchini bread cravings I finally made some.

But, when I took a bite it had the most horrible after taste!

I had a feeling what had happened and sure enough after looking up the original recipe I discovered that while transcribing the recipe I had written '1 tsp baking soda' instead of '1 tsp baking powder'.

It's bad enough when something you bake doesn't turn out but add in pregnancy hormones and not enough ingredients to try again and you get quite a silly tearful mess.

Why am I sharing this? Just cause I know someone out there has done the same thing or will do the same thing and to let you know you're not alone =o)

1 comment:

  1. haha, aw that's tough! I once made banana cream pies with corn SYRUP instead of corn STARCH. It was pretty nasty. and messy. lol!
